Our Story


Our vision of ourselves, our vision of community, is all about storytelling. When you bring people together from diverse backgrounds, an ‘incredible’ alchemy results – collaboration, extension, and perspective.

Only within community can one find pluralism. We all have a circle of people whose lives we can touch and improve — and we can find our meaning in that. A meaningful life is about connecting and contributing to something beyond the self, in whatever humble form that may take.

Creating new friendships and communities is like planting a garden. The first several months require the most dedication, care, nurture, and support before the plants are strong enough to survive and multiply on their own.

It easy to underestimate – and dangerously elide - our differences. We all want lastingness. It’s better to focus on our contributions: yes, we can make a difference with our efforts and our participation. People are never who they appear to be.

When you become a member, you become part of a community of individuals with a common purpose – all impassioned and active in creating the future we all would like to shape.

We are building a community where we all share a willingness to grow, to discover, to be challenged, and to contribute constructively.

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Shaping the way we think, feel, and make sense of our world. Enjoying what we have, celebrating, Appreciating, and Discovering.